What is our Virtual School Experience like in Primary

At Diyafah International School, we take pride in delivering quality education to every student, tailored to their individual learning needs and inspired by global best practice.

Through a safe and secure platform, our virtual school will inspire your child with innovative lessons, unique learning opportunities and high quality teaching as part of our blended learning approach.

Our Virtual School Experience has two key aspects:

Connected time where students can learn from their teachers ‘live’ using our safe and secure online platform- Microsoft Teams.

Guided time where students learn independently through tailored tasks set by their teacher.

Striking the right balance between on and offline time allows your child to make the most of personalized learning from home, no matter what year group they are in. For our primary students, their virtual school experience builds on the foundations started in early years, with a continued focus on cognitive development and preparing them for the next steps in their education. Alongside academic success, your child’s wellbeing is always at the heart of everything we do. Our virtual school has been designed to meet every student’s social, emotional, creative, physical and cultural needs.

In Primary, the virtual school day is an engaging one that brings to life every aspect of your child’s curriculum with plenty of opportunities to interact with their teachers and classmates.

At Diyafah International School, we pride ourselves on giving a virtual experience which will:

Participate in real-time lessons through a safe and secure platform

Enjoy a balance of online and offline learning taught by world-class teachers

Receive high-quality, interactive assignments and regular personalised feedback

Complete tasks and activities with their classmates

Develop essential skills and nurture curiosity through independent learning

As parents, receive regular updates from your child’s teachers on their progress.

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September 2024