The health and wellbeing of every child in our school is of paramount importance. We strive towards a positive whole-school environment, where we prioritise emotional and mental health as well as physical health and safety.

  • There is an ethos of constructive, caring relationships across the school built on trust, kindness, safety and security.
  • There is a sense of belonging and students are encouraged to talk to their teachers about worries and difficulties.
  • Children have been taught good social and emotional skills by the Counsellor and Social Welfare worker and are able to identify feelings, thoughts and emotions.
  • All staff are encouraged and supported to be alert, watchful and curious about children and young people’s behaviour, their body language, their interaction with other pupils, what they say, what they draw and what they do in school.
  • There is a clear safeguarding policy in place so that staff know what to do if they believe a child is at risk.

At DIS, we make sure that anyone working or interacting with children understands safeguarding procedures and has the necessary training.

Available Medical Facilities

We have two full time qualified Nurses in School who actively works with teachers to understand any medical needs of our children or to deal with playground bumps and scratches.

Our nurse is available throughout the school day from 7.30am until 3.30 pm Monday to Friday for you to discuss any concerns or health issues regarding your child.

A private consultation can be arranged at a mutually convenient time by calling the clinic on 02 558 5665 Ext 123.

Covid 19 Protocols

In the recent ADEK Health and Safety inspection we are rated outstanding for COVID-19 safety protocols. To achieve this, we have the following processes in place.

  • Daily deep cleaning of the entire school premises.
  • Fully equipped Clinic and separate Isolation room.
  • Frequent COVID-19 PCR testing, once every 10 days, for all staff and students (over 12 years)
  • Over 80% of staff have been Vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Health and Safety Policy. 

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" Let Your Light Shine"